AuthZed Product Documentation
Expedited Support

Expedited Support

Expedited Support is an additional service sold by AuthZed to ensure that your workloads are operating with best practices for performance and reliability.

AuthZed's products come with a default level of support with the ability to upgrade for an additional cost.

Paid Plans


(included with Dedicated)
Schema DesignBest effortUnlimitedUnlimited
Architecture OverviewN/AUnlimitedUnlimited
Email Support DeskN/AIncludedIncluded
Dedicated Account TeamN/AIncludedIncluded
Onboarding CallsN/AFour weekly 30-minute callsEight weekly 60-minute calls
Development PriorityN/AN/AIncluded
P1, P2 Response SLAIncludedN/AIncluded
P1 (business critical outage)1 HourN/A1 Hour
P2 (non-prod or partial outage)12 HoursN/A12 Hours
P3 (general questions)N/A24 Hours24 Hours


Gold Support is recommended for those running critical, production SpiceDB workloads.

Private communication channels are provided for critical support that are integrated with the AuthZed engineering on-call.

Non-critical support is prioritized through (opens in a new tab) or


For those that do not need all of the features of Gold Support, but do need response time SLAs for taking their services to production, we offer our Emergency plan. This plan only includes those Response Time SLAs for critical and non-critical issues.

Private communication channels are provided for critical support that are integrated with the AuthZed engineering on-call.

Silver Support

Silver Support is the package best suited for those in pre-production or non-critical environments.

Dedicated includes Silver support for no additional cost.

All support is prioritized through (opens in a new tab) or

Free Plans

Basic Support

Not everyone is a paying customer and that's okay. In this case, AuthZed will do their best to support you or point you in the right direction for getting what you need to be successful.

This support is done through (opens in a new tab) or

Community Support

Community support is available to absolutely everyone and does not require any form of payment or usage of Authzed products.

Discord (opens in a new tab) is the first line of support for asking questions or getting help with SpiceDB.

For bug reports, feature requests, or questions GitHub issues (opens in a new tab) is also available.

While AuthZed's products are proprietary, the foundation of these products will always be open source. Many folks participating in these open source communities are AuthZed customers or employees that have relevant experience to help out.


Warning: Help from the community is a volunteer effort.

Be appreciative of any help you receive and always follow the Code of Conduct (opens in a new tab).

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