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Check it out: How permissions are answered in SpiceDB and Authzed

March 17, 2021|10 min read
NOTE: After the open sourcing of SpiceDB, this blog post has been updated to match current SpiceDB/Authzed terms and schema configuration

This is part 1 of a multi-part blog series. Read part 2!

What to ask

Authentication and Authorization are searching for the answers to questions.

For Authentication, the question is "Who are you?". The software requests to know who the calling user (or machine or entity) is to make decisions, assign ownership or log usage. Authentication is about identity.

An image of a Vorlon from Babylon 5

On the other hand, authorization is concerned with a different question: "What do you want (to do)?" The software requests to know what the calling user (or machine or entity) wants to do to verify and validate that the calling user can take such an action. Authorization is about permission.

An image of a Shadow from Babylon 5

Framing the question

Imagine a simple permissions situation: A user ("Fred") attempts to open a document. We've already answered the Authentication question here ("Who are you?” -> “Fred!"), and now we are attempting to answer the Authorization question: "What do you want to do?” -> “I want to view the document".

This question can be simplified:

Can Fred view the document?

Many developers think of such permission questions as "easy" or even as an afterthought; after all, how hard can it be to answer questions like "Can Fred view the document?". However, within the shadows of that simple question lies a host of potential complexity, performance bottlenecks, and security concerns.

At Authzed, our authorization platform as a service and open source implementation of Zanzibar are designed to answer these kinds of permissions questions efficiently and with minimal overhead while providing tooling to handle the bulk of the complexity.

Defining a permission

Within the SpiceDB API, these basic permissions questions are called Checks. Here we'll shine a light on the process that SpiceDB uses to answer these queries and how doing so allows for more powerful permissions models.

Let's take our example from above: "Can Fred view the document?" Or perhaps another example: Can this machine delete this row in the database? Both examples express a question with the same form:

"Does <subject> have <permission> on the <resource>?"

In our first example, the resource is the specific document being accessed, the permission is view and the subject is the user Fred: We want to know whether Fred has permission to view the document.

Similarly, in our second example, the permission is delete, the resource is the specific row to be deleted, and the subject is the account for the machine making the call: We want to know whether the machine has permission to delete the row.

However, permissions systems are rarely about a single subject, permission or resource. Instead, we need to know how we can generically answer this kind of question for all combinations of subjects, permissions and objects.

Relating objects

At their core, permissions are decided by relationships: Fred can read the document if the correct type of relationship between Fred and the document. How these relationships are formed depends on the permissions system being used. For example, in RBAC, these relationships are expressed as roles, such as reader, writer, or admin, each defining a set of permissions for subjects In contrast, ABAC, as another example, these relationships are expressed as attributes, such as can_read.

When using SpiceDB, developers define the kinds of relationships and the concrete ones that exist via a combination of schema and relationships.

A schema defines the kinds of objects (resources and subjects) and how they might relate to other object.

A relationship is the concrete data that realizes the actual link between specific objects using one of the possible relations.

An example

While SpiceDB is not restricted to a specific kind of permissions model (because developers have the freedom to create their own), for convenience, we will here demonstrate an RBAC-like model with three different roles: reader, owner and an admin on the parent "organization" that owns the document.

The kinds of objects (and how they can relate) are expressed in the Authzed schema language.

Each definition defines a kind of object and has zero (or more) relations, which defines a possible relationship between objects of that type and other objects.

Let's define the object types and relations for our example:

definition user {}

definition organization {
    relation admin: user

definition document {
    relation org: organization

    relation owner: user
    relation reader: user

In the above schema, we've defined three kinds of objects (user, organization, and document) and some relation's to indicate the kinds of relationships that can exist between the objects.

We also would like permissions to check, so let's add those as well:

definition user {}

definition organization {
    relation admin: user

    permission can_admin = admin

definition document {
    relation org: organization

    relation owner: user
    relation reader: user

    permission view = reader + owner + org->can_admin

Finally, we also need to realize the relationships between these objects. In Authzed, we do so by writing one or more relationships, defining edges from one object to another:

document:somedocument#reader@user:sean                 # Sean is a reader on somedocument
document:somedocument#reader@user:fred                 # Fred is a reader on somedocument
document:somedocument#owner@user:jill                  # Jill is the owner of somedocument
organization:theorg#admin@user:hannah                  # Hannah is the admin of the organization
document:somedocument#org@organization:theorg          # `theorg` is the organization for the document

Together, the schema and the relationships form a graph of a permissions system, and it is this graph that SpiceDB uses to compute answers to permissions questions.

The permissions system in the Authzed Playground

Can Fred view the document?

Let's look at the graph formed by the schema and relationships defined above.

First, we apply the schema, which defines the shape of the graph:

An image of the shape of the graph

The graph shows a set of paths from the resource (document), through the view permission, to the relations defining our roles (reader, owner, organization, admin) and finally to the subjects (user, organization).

Note that in this graph, the paths represent the possible paths of relationships between documents and users, but nothing yet concrete; the real paths emerge only once we apply the defined relationships:

An image of the realized graph

Now we can see a fully realized graph, with possible paths between a specific document, via specific relations, to specific users.

Answering the question

To Check whether Fred can view the document, we issue the following API call:

CheckPermissionRequest {
    resource: ObjectReference {
        object_type: 'document'
        object_id: 'somedocument'
    permission: 'view'
    subject: SubjectReference{
        object: ObjectReference {
            object_type: 'user'
            object_id: 'fred'

How does SpiceDB answer this Check question? It searches for a path from the resource (here: somedocument) through the permission (view) to the subject (fred). If such a path is found, we know fred is "reachable" via the view permission so he can view the document.

Let's take our Check above and follow the resolutions. We begin with the resource (somedocument) and search for the matching permission (view). Next, we walk from view to any relations (or other permissions) defined for that permission, which gives us these relations:

reader + owner + org->can_admin

Further walking outward to the relation reader, we find these users:


And... we're done! We've found fred!


As we saw above, there does indeed exist such a path for Fred, and so the answer to our question is "yes":

If we instead attempted to ask this question for another (say, adam), we can see that we find no such path, indicating that the answer is "no":

What about Jill?

In our relationships defined above, we defined that the user jill has the role of owner on the document. Does this mean she can also view the document?

Let's run our Check call, starting at somedocument. We begin by checking view, which gives us the relations previously found:

reader + owner + org->can_admin

jill isn't in the reader relation, so we'd terminate lookup and return no... except we have two more relation paths to check!

Therefore, the next step in our walk of the graph would be to list those subjects related by owner, which gives us:


Once again, we've found the user we want, thus resulting in a "yes" answer:

As we can see, because the view permission is defined to check multiple relation's, any path found suffices to grant permission!

Who's the boss?

Our example schema also defines another role, that of the admin of organizations. Logically speaking, any admin of the organization should be able to view all the documents found "within" that organization. Since we defined hannah as being the admin of the organization theorg, and theorg as being the organization for the document, let's see how a Check for view on the document for Hannah might work:

The path used to reach hannah from the document certainly appears to be longer, but once again, we can see that the resolution is a reasonably straightforward graph walk: We were able to walk from the document, through view, then from the document to the organization (through an arrow), to the can_admin permission, and finally through admin to Hannah, showing that, in the end, she's the boss.

In summary

As we've seen above, answering Authorization Check questions is accomplished within SpiceDB using a reasonably straightforward graph walking mechanism. By using a walk over a graph, SpiceDB can support permissions models with arbitrary numbers of roles, arbitrary levels of hierarchies, and even complex decisions that use operators such as intersection or exclusion.

It should be noted that while the above walking examples are straightforward, the way we accomplish these Checks is, in reality, far more complex to ensure good performance and redundancies.

We've barely scratched the surface of SpiceDB resolution today. We dive deeper into the mechanisms behind these resolutions in part 2!

Have more questions about how resolution in SpiceDB works, or need help with developing your schema? Join the community on Discord to get answers!

Additional Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about Authorization and Google Zanzibar, we recommend reading the following posts:

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