Join us at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2025!


AuthZed, the creators of SpiceDB, empowers customers to build secure, performant, and robust authorization at global scale.

Open Source

Self-service SpiceDB, free and deployable anywhere

Free, self-hosted

Any environment. Best supported in Kubernetes

Apache-2.0 License

Best for evaluation and test environments


Fully isolated private SaaS SpiceDB operated by our expert SRE team

Tailored, resource-based pricing
Based on reserved-vCPU capacity, our team consults closely with yours to rightsize your deployment

Environments: AWS, GCP

All provider supported regions

Most popular for teams using SpiceDB in production


Self-managed SpiceDB running in your own environment

Subscription-based pricing
Annual license per-region for one production and unlimited non-production environments

Any environment. Best supported in Kubernetes

Regions: Self-determined

Initial Response SLA

Ideal for organizations with strict regulatory governance

SpiceDB Features
API Audit Logging
Restricted API Keys
Security Embargo Program
SaaS Functionality
Highly available deployment
Multi-region deployments
Globally-distributed deployments
Disaster Recovery
Private infrastructure
Workload Isolation
Private VPC Networking
Automated UpdatesConfigurable
AuthZed MaterializeEarly Access
Management Dashboard
OIDC Single-Sign On
Live System Metrics
Encryption in-flight
Encryption at-rest
Encrypted backups
SIEM LoggingEarly Access
SOC2 Compliant
Penetration Tested
Support Packages
Schema DesignBest effort
Architecture Review
Support Desk (E-mail)
Slack Support
Dedicated Account Team
Onboarding Calls
Feature Development Prioritization
Response Time SLA for P1 and P2
P1: Complete production environment outage with critical impact to business1 hour
P2: Non-production environment outage or an impaired production environment12 hours
P3: General support, architecture, product questions, feedback, etc

Community Support

Available to everyone: no payment or product purchase needed!

Discord is the first line of support for asking questions or getting help with SpiceDB.

For bug reports, feature requests, or questions, head over to our GitHub issues.

While AuthZed’s products are proprietary, lots of the software used to deliver these products are open source. Many folks participating in these open source communities are AuthZed customers or employees with lots of relevant expertise!

Help from the community is a volunteer effort: please be appreciative of any help you receive and always follow the Code of Conduct.