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Fine-Grained Access Control: Can You Go Too Fine?

March 5, 2024|8 min read

SpiceDB, our open-source, Google Zanzibar-inspired permissions database, gives developers a lot of flexibility when building an authorization scheme—you can build common patterns like Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) or Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), and more complex ones like User-Defined Roles or Fine Grained Authorization (FGA).

Underpinning all this flexibility is SpiceDB’s underlying graph database which lets you store relationships between objects in accordance with a purpose built schema—your permissions data. Once you have your permissions data stored, you can issue authorization queries against SpiceDB to get answers to questions like “does user 123 have access to document 456?”

But for FGA it’s not always apparent how fine your permissions data should be. A user of ours was building a Fine Grained Access Control system and asked me:

“Should I be creating relationships for every cell in a spreadsheet?”

More generally, “which things do I need to write relationships for?” It’s an interesting question that doesn’t always have a clear answer. Our guidance to users is usually to model the smallest resource upon which they need to check permissions. Sometimes this is really obvious: if you are building a document editor, it’s probably the document; if you are creating a ride-sharing app, it’s probably the trip; and if you are building a video-sharing app, it’s probably the video in its entirety, not the individual frames of the video. In all of these cases, there is nothing to be gained from breaking the resource down further in your modeling.

Take for example a document, like those in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. What would happen if we decided to model permissions on each individual word? For one, every time a new word was written, we would have to call WriteRelationships to link that word to the document. This blog post alone has 1,343 words in itself, and I can write a few new words every second. This would generate an incredible amount of data and write workload. Is it worth it? What additional capability do we get? Is there a case where the permissions will change from word to word? Unlikely in this scenario.

Let’s get back to our spreadsheet example though. Sometimes individual cells can have different effective permissions. Some cells can be protected, some cells can be in a read-only or computed column. Maybe this spreadsheet supports granting access to individual rows or columns of the sheet. So should we model the individual cells? In this post, I hope to give you some tools that you can use to evaluate this question for your own tricky modeling scenarios.

Balancing flexibility with maintainability in Fine-Grained Authorization

Our usual guidance to model the smallest thing possible is borne out of the desire to give the greatest amount of permissions model flexibility while preserving consistency at the enforcement call site. Take for example the following contrived schema and pseudocode:

definition user {}

definition folder {
   relation member: user

definition document {
   relation folder: folder
   permission view = folder->member
check(, permission=“view”,

Right now the document object has its view permission entirely derived from the parent folder’s members. You could easily rewrite the check code as:

check(, permission=“member”,

Then you wouldn’t have to write relationships between the document and folder objects, and you could save both time and money! But what happens when you need to change the way the view permission is computed:

definition user {}

definition folder {
   relation member: user

definition document {
   relation folder: folder
   relation viewer: user
   permission view = folder->member + viewer

If your check call used the folder member option, you now have to change your code to check directly on document objects, and you also have to backfill all of the relationships between document and folder.

This is why we usually tell users to choose the most granular option. But it comes at a cost.

Granularity has a cost

Let’s go back to our spreadsheet cell example. Modeled as a schema, it might look like the following:

definition user {}

definition sheet {
   relation owner: user

definition sheet_row {
   relation sheet: sheet
   relation row_viewer: user
   permission view_row = sheet->owner + row_viewer

definition sheet_col {
   relation sheet: sheet
   relation col_viewer: user
   permission view_column = sheet->owner + col_viewer

definition cell {
   relation srow: sheet_row
   relation scol: sheet_col
   permission view = srow->view_row & scol->view_column
check(, permission=“view”,

This model restricts someone from viewing a cell to only those cells for which they have permissions to both view the row and the column.

In this model, each cell would require two relationships, one for the row and one for the column, and each row and column would require a relationship each to bind them to the sheet.

A modestly sized spreadsheet of 15 columns and 2,000 rows would require 62,015 relationships! And that is only for spreadsheets with known columns and rows, many spreadsheets start off with a much larger (or simulated infinite) size! Even if you didn’t write the relationships until the cell was used, a “fill down” operation would generate 4,000 new relationships! Finally, opening up the spreadsheet and only showing the user the cells they have permissions to see would require the full 62,015 checks.

All of these numbers aren’t really that large, but consider how many cells there probably are in all of the spreadsheets on Google Sheets. It quickly becomes apparent that Google likely doesn’t model permissions on their spreadsheets this way internally.

Striking a balance

In our spreadsheet schema, the view permission was based on the permissions inherited through the row and column. We didn’t really have a hard requirement to directly federate access to individual cells, we only chose to model it that way to maximize flexibility and call site stability.

When we find ourselves in the position of paying too high a price for too little value, we can look to compromise! Maybe there is a way to get the feature we want while preserving relatively good flexibility with relatively stable call sites.

If our requirement is to federate access based on rows or columns, we can model that directly and slightly denormalize our call sites for a vast reduction in cost. Let’s take a look at another schema:

definition user {}

definition sheet {
   relation owner: user

definition sheet_row {
   relation sheet: sheet
   relation row_viewer: user
   permission view_row = sheet->owner + row_viewer

definition sheet_col {
   relation sheet: sheet
   relation col_viewer: user
   permission view_column = sheet->owner + col_viewer

By eliminating the cell definition, we’ve necessitated a change to our call sites as well. To preserve the original intention of restricting access to those who can both view the row and view the column, we would update our call sites accordingly:

check(, permission=“view_column”, and check(, permission=“view_row”,

Now our theoretical spreadsheet with 15 columns and 2000 rows only requires 2,015 relationships, and creating new cells doesn’t require any additional writes. However, because we need 2 checks for every cell, opening the sheet now requires double the checks!

The final optimization is to either move the checks to the rendering logic for a column and row or to cache the results of the checks for columns and rows because the check results on a row and column don’t change per cell.

Now opening our spreadsheet only makes 2,015 checks and only grows when new rows or columns are added.


When modeling permissions for your app, it isn’t always obvious what resources and relationships are necessary. We recommend the following steps as a good starting point and process for refinement:

  1. Start by modeling the most granular resource you need to check permissions. This provides the greatest amount of permissions model flexibility while preserving consistency at the enforcement call site.
  2. If the required number of relationships or check calls for the most granular resource explodes, look to make a tradeoff. Are you actually utilizing that resource in your model? Does it align with an actual hard requirement?
  3. Reduce the number of required relationships by checking permissions on an aggregate resource. In the example, changing the app to make check calls on row and column eliminated the need for relationships between cell and sheet_row and sheet_col.
  4. Reduce the number of required check calls by caching the check results on the aggregate resources. In the example, cells in the same row and column depend on the same check results. Furthermore, checks on the rows/columns could be delayed by making those calls only when the row or column became visible.

While these steps are a good starting point, every app can have unique requirements. If you have questions or encounter any modeling challenges, join us in our Discord server. Authzed engineers and a community of users are there to discuss and help.

Additional Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about Authorization and Google Zanzibar, we recommend reading the following posts:

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