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Online Schema Migrations in SpiceDB

February 3, 2022|7 min read

Data migrations are a fact of life for any application. Requirements change, features are added or removed, services are merged together or split apart. As the application evolves, so too must the data behind it. In this regard, the permissions information you store in SpiceDB is no different from any other data in any other database.

If you're unfamiliar with online migration strategies in general, there are a few good resources online that cover the general topic; we're going to focus just on SpiceDB and how to perform migrations against the data and schema it holds.

No Migrations Required

But first, let's highlight a couple of scenarios where SpiceDB shines because no migrations are needed:

Service Refactoring

If the services that talk to SpiceDB are being refactored (i.e. a monolith is being split into a service oriented architecture), there is likely nothing you need to do with SpiceDB.

service refactoring diagram

Because SpiceDB runs as a separate service, any new services that talk to it just need to connect and make the necessary queries. There's peace of mind knowing that authorization (typically a challenging part of changing architecture at this layer) won't be a burden or a bottleneck.

New Permission Calculations

With SpiceDB, you write relationships, but you check permissions. Permissions are computed over the relationships that are already stored. This means that any changes you wish to make to how permissions are computed can be done without any migrations at all: simply update the schema.

For example, with this schema:

definition user {}

definition organization {
    relation administrator: user
    relation direct_member: user

    permission member = direct_member

You can include administrators as members and create a new "admin" permission without any migrations at all:

definition user {}

definition organization {
    relation administrator: user
    relation direct_member: user

    permission admin = administrator
    permission member = direct_member + administrator

Migration Strategies

There will always be cases where a migration is required, and when that happens you will need to plan out the migration steps. Here are some patterns to help with your online migration plan:

A Note on Schema Consistency

All Schema writes are fully consistent. This means that any relationship writes that occur after the schema has been written will be evaluated under that new schema.

Any relationship reads, however, will use the revision of the schema that matches the revision of the read request. This ensures that checks evaluate with the correct schema to avoid new enemy problems.

Safety First

SpiceDB enforces some rules to ensure migrations are safe:

  1. New relationships and data can always be added to an existing schema.
  2. A relation, permission, or object definition can only be removed from an existing schema if there are no relationships referencing it.

With these in mind, all you need to get started is an appropriate API client.

Base Schema

The following examples will assume this is the schema we're starting out with:

definition user {}

definition document {
   relation writer: user
   relation reader: user

   permission edit = writer
   permission view = reader + edit

Add a New Relation

(Jump back to the initial schema for reference)

definition user {}

definition document {
   relation writer: user
   relation reader: user
   relation owner: user -- step 1

   permission edit = writer + owner -- step 4
   permission view = reader + edit
  1. Roll out the schema change with the new relation
  2. Any new documents that are created should include the new owner relation when updating spicedb.
  3. Backfill the relationship as if it had been there from the beginning. In this case, we look up who created the document in the application’s database, and write the owner relation with authzed.api.v1.WriteRelationships. If this is done with TOUCH then it won’t conflict with the relationships written in the previous step.
  4. When the data has been backfilled, confirmed valid, and new data is being written, you can include the relation in other permission calculations and update the schema. It may be safe to go ahead and update the schema right away; the permission calculations will simply change as you backfill the relationships.

Remove a Relation

(Jump back to the initial schema for reference)

definition user {}

definition document {
   relation writer: user
   -- step 5: removed `relation reader: user`

   permission edit = writer
   permission view = edit -- step 1: removed `reader +`
  1. Update the schema to remove any references to the relation from other permissions
  2. If there are any issues discovered via testing at this point, the data is all still there and permissions can be restored by reverting the change to the schema.
  3. You can stay at step 2 for as long as desired, in production, to retain your ability to roll back the change.
  4. If no issues are found, remove all existing relationships for that relation with authzed.api.v1.DeleteRelationships
  5. Update the schema to remove the relation from the definition

Add a New Definition

(Jump back to the initial schema for reference)

definition user {}

definition group {        -- step 1
   relation member: user  -- step 1
}                         -- step 1

definition document {
   relation writer: user | group#member -- step 4
   relation reader: user | group#member -- step 4
   permission edit = writer
   permission view = reader + edit
  1. Add the new definition to the schema
  2. Add any relations that should exist (fill in which users go in which groups)
  3. Ensure that the application writes the new relations when needed
  4. Reference the new definitions / relations in other relations or permissions

Remove a Definition

  1. Follow the steps to remove a relation for every relation in the definition
  2. Remove the definition from the schema and update it.

Future Work

Now that we have worked through some examples, it's clear that migrations in SpiceDB are no more challenging than migrations in a general purpose DBMS, and in some cases much simpler.

But there is no reason to stop there! We've seen how SpiceDB's focus on permission calculations makes a certain class of hard migration problems go away. We think that there are more ways we can simplify migrations in SpiceDB. If you're interested in discussing those with us (or you have a question about your own migrations), why not drop by our discord and have a chat?

Additional Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about Authorization and Google Zanzibar, we recommend reading the following posts:

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